

Student in baseball cap smiles while seated at science lab table


Learn to think deeply and critically, 解决问题, 活得充实.

的 通识文学士 builds on a foundation of civic inquiry and interdisciplinary study that helps students develop and strengthen skills in communication, 解决问题, 信息技术, and critical thinking that are essential for a rapidly changing world. 的 program is designed to help students explore complex questions, 分析和批评社会项目, and engage responsibly with their communities.

了解更多关于B的信息.A. 通识教育学位

  • A 通识文学士 from Landmark College is designed to prepare graduates to enter the workforce or further their studies.

    Students are prepared for a range of elective courses through the degree requirements of an interdisciplinary seminar, 高级写作, 公民参与课程. In addition, each student chooses a focused topic for their culminating capstone project. As our graduates move through adulthood as lifelong learners, they will be prepared to think deeply and critically, 解决问题, 活得充实.

  • Liberal Studies students seek to be engaged in their communities.

    Students can engage in a wide range of activities that relate to and reinforce their liberal studies focus, from getting involved in campus centers and clubs, 比如石墙中心, Rise Up中心, 或者艺术俱乐部, to service learning opportunities in the local community. Landmark College provides opportunities to step out of the classroom into direct involvement with groups and activities in Putney and nearby Brattleboro.

  • 的 program's hands-on learning approaches lead to many credit-bearing internship opportunities.

    Students pursuing a bachelor’s degree 通识教育 may choose to do internships in the following areas:

    • 教育
    • 法律
    • 新闻
    • 博物馆
    • 训练
    • 房地产
    • 烹饪艺术
    • 电视广播
    • 无线电广播
    • 品牌写
    • 销售和市场营销
  • 在信息获取的文化中, 学术调查, 全球化正在迅速发展, employers are looking for people who can work collaboratively and communicate effectively and have acquired a broad range of knowledge and information literacy skills. 的 workforce and society are in need of individuals who have the skills provided through a liberal studies education: those who can reason carefully, 具备科学素养, and can engage in public debate of critical ideas.

    For more information and professional skill building opportunities, visit the Landmark College 职业生涯的连接 网页.

  • 要拿到B.A. 通识教育 degree, students must complete 121 credits:

    • 主修必修课程36学分:
      • 30个专业必修学分
      • 6 major required credits that also count toward general education
    • 34 additional credits to complete the general education requirements
    • 一般选修课51学分 (15必须在3000/4000级别)


    • 2001通识教育展望 
    • INT3001通识教育及申请
    • INT3011公民参与 
    • INT4000 Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone I
    • INT4001 Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone 
    • WRT3011高级写作
    • One additional course (any level) in each of
      • 自然科学或社会科学
      • 创造力
    • 2000级文学课程
    • 3000 - 4000级人文课程
    • 3000 - 4000级的文学课程
    • 3000 - 4000级的社会科学课程


    • WRT1011 Composition and Rhetoric OR WRT1008 Writing Process & 练习第二部分
    • WRT1012研究与分析
    • EDU1011学习的视角
    • COM1011 Intro to Communication OR COM1021 Interpersonal Comm OR COM1071 Public Speaking
    • Mathematics distribution elective (as indicated through placement exam)
    • 人文分布选修课
    • Natural 科学 with lab distribution elective
    • 社会科学分布选修课
    • Quantitative Reasoning distribution elective
    • 创意分配选修课
    • 替代经验

    General Electives: 51 credits (15 at the 3000/4000 level)


  • 在完成B.A. 通识教育 degree, students will be able to:

    • Draw connections across multiple disciplines to integrate learning.
    • Describe the ways in which academic disciplines 构造 knowledge and tackle problems.
    • Articulate the impact of social and culture contexts on worldview.
    • 使用通信, 包括写作, 作为一个智力发现的过程, 构造, 订单, 传达意义.
    • Demonstrate civic responsibility through community engagement.
    • Identify and draw upon sources appropriate to the academic task.
    • Explain the ways in which a Liberal Studies degree can be applied to one's post-BA goals
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